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First Aid

At least one person has a current paediatric first aid certificate is on the premises at all times when the children are present, and accompany children on outings.

We ensure the First Aid Box is accessible at all times with appropriate content for use with children. We keep a written record of accidents or injuries and first aid treatment.

3.2 First-Aid Policy

In our setting, staff are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. At least one member of staff with a current first aid certificate is on the premises, or on an outing at any one time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children. We aim to ensure that first aid training is local authority approved and is relevant to staff caring for young children.


The First Aid Kit

Our first aid kit complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and contains the following items:

  • Triangular bandages (ideally at least one should be sterile) x 4.
  • Sterile dressings: Small x3, Medium x3, Large x3.
  • Composite pack containing 20 assorted (individually-wrapped) plasters x 1.
  • Sterile eye pads (with bandage or attachment) e.g. No 16 dressing x 2.
  • Container of 6 safety pins x 1.
  • Guidance card as recommended by HSE x 1.

In addition to the first aid equipment, each box should be supplied with:

  • 2 pairs of disposable plastic (PVC or vinyl) gloves.
  • 1 plastic disposable apron.
  • A children's forehead 'strip' thermometer.

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